Cygwin slow on x64 systems?

Tim McDaniel
Thu Dec 1 15:58:00 GMT 2011

I wrote:
> $ time echo hello
> hello
> real    0m0.000s
> user    0m0.000s
> sys     0m0.000s
> $ cp /dev/null frog
> $ time cat frog
> real    0m1.259s
> user    0m0.000s
> sys     0m0.015s

Someone replied directly to me, to say that Cygwin should not be that
slow on 64-bit installations.  He asked whether I have anti-virus
installed, and whether I have looked at the "BLODA list".

BLODA is the Big List Of Dodgy Apps, apparently from

     44. What applications have been found to interfere with Cygwin?

     From time to time, people have reported strange failures and
     problems in Cygwin and Cygwin packages that seem to have no
     rational explanation ....

Unfortunately, "Norton/McAfee/Symantec antivirus or antispyware" is
the second item listed.  This is a work machine.  IT installed
Symantec Endpoint Protection on it and locked down absolutely every
setting whatsoever (except for how long to keep local logs).  I really
doubt that they'd unlock anything for me, especially because I'm brand
new and we don't do very much on Windows.

Unless someone has another suggestion, maybe I just have to assume I'm

Tim McDaniel,

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