cygstart, mailto: URLs, and launching an executable

Wm. David Bentlage
Tue Apr 19 22:44:00 GMT 2011


What's the reason for the following change in cygstart between cygwin
1.5 and 1.7?  Can the cygwin 1.5 behavior be restored?

ai016aadm01@app-stl-33 ~
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.2 app-stl-33 1.5.24(0.156/4/2) 2007-01-31 10:57 i686 Cygwin

ai016aadm01@app-stl-33 ~
$ cygstart -v mailto:
ShellExecute(NULL, "(null)", "mailto:", "(null)", "(null)", 1)

ai016aadm01@app-stl-33 ~
$ cygstart -v bash
ShellExecute(NULL, "(null)", "bash", "(null)", "(null)", 1)

ai016aadm01@app-stl-33 ~
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.2 app-stl-33 1.7.9(0.237/5/3) 2011-03-29 10:10 i686 Cygwin

ai016aadm01@app-stl-33 ~
$ cygstart -v mailto:
ShellExecute(NULL, "(null)", "W:\home\m278638\mailto", "(null)", "(null)", 1)
Unable to start 'W:\home\m278638\mailto': The specified file was not found.

ai016aadm01@app-stl-33 ~
$ cygstart -v bash
ShellExecute(NULL, "(null)", "W:\home\m278638\bash", "(null)", "(null)", 1)
Unable to start 'W:\home\m278638\bash': The specified file was not found.

Under cygwin 1.5, I could open a new email in the default application
using "cygstart mailto:".  Under cygwin 1.7, I get an error.
Performing "cygstart mailto://" will get cygwin 1.7 cygstart to
recognize mailto: as a URL instead of a file, but that's not proper
mailto: URL syntax.

Under cygwin 1.5, a new bash window is launched (per the man page).
Under cygwin 1.7, I get an error.  I can open bash in cygwin 1.7 if I
specify the full path to the bash executable.

Dave B.

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