64bit (g)fortran JNI

Eliot Moss moss@cs.umass.edu
Tue Apr 12 15:22:00 GMT 2011

> For x64 Windows releated target questions it would be better if you
> are posting to mingw-w64's ML: I redirect this thread to this list.

Yes, definitely:

- cygwin is for 32-bit only
- cygwin is not really compatible with even a 32-bit
   JVM if you were thinking of using cygwin to run
   JNI code. The JNI system in Windows JVMs is built
   for Windows, not cygwin.  (In principle one could
   build a JVM using cygwin, but the most popular
   ones are not built that way, and in fact I don't
   know of a full-strength JVM (any really) built
   for/with cygwin.)

Best -- Eliot Moss

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