export DISPLAY={localWorkstationIP} in mintty

Andrew DeFaria Andrew@DeFaria.com
Fri Sep 3 01:37:00 GMT 2010

  On 09/02/2010 03:37 PM, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
> On 9/2/2010 5:12 PM, PaulHR wrote:
>> I got the standard error.....
>> Error: Can't open display:
>> I made sure xWin Server was running
>> Did a -vvv on the ssh and saw nothing for X11
>> What else can I look at?
> It would be really helpful if you included a little context from earlier
> bits of the conversation to which you are responding.  I'm going to
> assume that you responded to my message suggesting you use the -X option
> to ssh. ;-)
> It's possible that the corresponding server-side option to allow that
> feature is disabled.  If so, you could try to reconfigure the ssh
> server.  The option to enable is named X11Forwarding and it should be
> set to "yes".  If you are not allowed to do that, then your only option
> is to go back to your original idea of figuring out your local IP.  This
> will require a bit more effort on your part.
> When you connect to the remote machine, there should be an environment
> variable named SSH_CLIENT set.  It appears to be a space delimited list
> where the first item is your client's IP address.  Given that and
> assuming your shell is bash on the server, you can use the following to
> set the DISPLAY environment variable after you open your connection:
> export DISPLAY=$(echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -d' ' -f1):0
> If that works for you, you may want to put it in your .bashrc or
> .bash_profile script on the server side so that it happens automatically
> every time you connect.
> -Jeremy
It's been my experience that if you do not have DISPLAY set before you 
ssh then you will not have it set after you ssh (usually to 
localhost:<n> where n is usually not 0).

BTW don't put the IP address in DISPLAY - just set it to DISPLAY=:0.

BTW2 X is an awful heavy process to run if your aim is merely to run 
ASCII terminals. Instead use mintty (or rxvt) and -e ssh <remote host> 

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