/dev/sda2 - Bad file descriptor error with mkfs.ext4 on cygwin

Phani Deepak Parasuramuni phanidee@gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 04:38:00 GMT 2010


I am using Cygwin 1.7.7  on Windows 7.

I have installed e2fsprogs-1.41.12 on cygwin.

I have carved out a 10G partition in my harddisk using windows disk manager.

My 'cat /proc/partitions' command also lists out my sda2 partition, so
I am sure that there is sda2 partition with 10G

$ cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name
    8     0 312571224 sda
    8     1 302083072 sda1
    8     2  10484736 sda2

Now, I am trying to use mkfs.ext4 to create an ext4 file system on
this partition.

This is the command I am using:
$/usr/sbin/mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2

it fails with error message;
"mkfs.ext4: Bad file descriptor while trying to determine filesystem size"

Any idea why it is happening so?

Thanks in advance,

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