rebaseall error with Tk.dll / cssh error in cygwin 1.7

Johnny Walker
Fri Nov 5 14:09:00 GMT 2010

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Johnny Walker <> wrote:
> I'm having trouble with building clusterssh in cygwin 1.7.
> I had this working and now I wish I had never run any updates!!
> I've tried a complete re-install of cygwin and then I installed
> perl-Tk from the cygwin package and X11::Protocol from CPAN and built
> cssh. The Tk menu failed to appear.
> I removed the perl-Tk package from cygwin and intalled it from CPAN,
> which is I believe how I got this working previously.
> Now when I start cssh I see this:
>      3 [main] perl 4508 C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error -
> unable to remap
> \\?\C:\cygwin\\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.10\i686-cygwin\auto\Tk\Tk.dll to
> same address as parent: 0x19780000 != 0x70280000
> the rebaseall instructions say to just run /bin/rebaseall but this
> doesn't fix the issue and with using procmon.exe I can see that it
> doesn't touch /lib under cygwin.
> So I tried running the following:
> /bin/rebaseall -T /lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/auto/Tk/Tk.dll
> This seems to cause some issue as the terminal begins to flood with this:
> __GetModuleHandleA@4: skipped because nonexistent
> __: skipped because nonexistent
> on: skipped because nonexistent
> p__XGetVisualInfo: skipped because nonexistent
> : skipped because nonexistent
> ack_grow: skipped because nonexistent
> SVpvn: skipped because nonexistent
> eColor: skipped because nonexistent
> k_chk_guard: skipped because nonexistent
> fu14____stack_chk_guard: skipped because nonexistent
> ntSet: skipped because nonexistent
> eModifiers: skipped because nonexistent
> mp__Perl_hv_undef: skipped because nonexistent
> on: skipped because nonexistent
> 2____stack_chk_guard: skipped because nonexistent
> d: skipped because nonexistent
> _to_uni_lower: skipped because nonexistent
> _like_number: skipped because nonexistent
> rl_sv_vsetpvfn: skipped because nonexistent
> _ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t: skipped because nonexistent
> free: skipped because nonexistent
> 40____stack_chk_guard: skipped because nonexistent
> fu105____stack_chk_guard: skipped because nonexistent
> u90____stack_chk_guard: skipped because nonexistent
> sv_undef_ptr: skipped because nonexistent
> and there is a lot of the sound of the system bell (which seems to
> indicate an error)
> Please help !!

To be more precise - the dll issue i'm seeing is this:

$ cssh
      3 [main] perl 5848 C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error -
unable to remap
\\?\C:\cygwin\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.10\i686-cygwin\auto\Tk\Tk.dll to
same address as parent: 0x19780000 != 0x70280000
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0082B538  6102749B  (0082B538, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
0082B828  6102749B  (61177B80, 00008000, 00000000, 61179977)
0082C858  61004AFB  (611A136C, 61240E44, 19780000, 70280000)
End of stack trace

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