R: Why mc start without subshell by default?

SZABO Gergely gergely.szabo@knorr-bremse.com
Wed Nov 3 16:01:00 GMT 2010

Marco Atzeri <marco_atzeri <at> yahoo.it> writes:

> following mc websites
> "Latest released version: 4.7.4; what's new.
> Latest released stable version:; what's new in the stable release.  "
> and also:
> http://www.midnight-commander.org/wiki/ReleaseWorkflow
> But as Pavel is not releasing new package for long time,
> this is more or less an academic discussion.
> Marco

>From the mc mailing list:

So sorry, stable mc 4.7.5 is due in a few weeks, not a few days.

Best regards

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