1.7.5: sshd environment variables

Vincent Pelletier plr.vincent@gmail.com
Sat May 1 05:49:00 GMT 2010


I've just installed cygwin on winxp, for some wine comparative testing.
To make it easier for me, I installed ssh package and started sshd service so 
I could do as much as possible from my main Linux box.

But I noticed the following difference:
- on a windows cygwin term:
  $ cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"
  C:\Program Files
- on an ssh session:
  $ cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"
which breaks the script[1] I'm testing.

Is it a bug ?
If not, how can I make ssh session get the same environment variables as a 
"regular" (ie, not remote) cygwin terminal ?

[1] http://code.google.com/p/winezeug/source/browse/trunk/wisotool

Vincent Pelletier

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