spaces in title of mintty command

Roe, Kevin L.
Tue Mar 30 20:21:00 GMT 2010

> > mintty -t "one two"    result:  no title
> > mintty -t 'one two'    result:  no title
> Works fine for me. Please note that bash's default prompt (i.e. the
> PS1 variable) sets the terminal title to the current working
> directory, thus overwriting anything you set with the -t option.

Ok, that took some effort, but I have it working.

Registry key:
C:\cygwin\bin\mintty -e /bin/bash --login

PS1='\[\e]0;$(pwd)\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]$(pwd)\[\e[0m\]\n\! \$ '

I played with the default prompt to understand how it got the titlebar working because mine didn’t.  I figured out which part does it:
\[\e]0;    starts it
\a\]\n     ends it
And everything in between:
$(pwd)     is the title 

But I couldn't find references to those character sequences anywhere.  Could you explain what they mean?



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