hangs: tar -cf - /etc|gzip|rsh foo dd of=/dev/null

Tom Rodman cygzu@trodman.com
Sun Jan 10 02:51:00 GMT 2010

Thanks very much for the new release!

This report is the result of a problem I ran into when trying to
do a tape backup of a cygwin host, using the tape drive on an old
linux box (

  ~ $ echo hi  | rsh cat
  ~ $ echo hi  | rsh dd of=/dev/null
  0+1 records in
  0+1 records out
  ~ $ (tar -cf - /etc|gzip; dd if=/dev/zero count=1)|wc -c
  tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
  1+0 records in
  1+0 records out
  512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0 s, Infinity B/s
  ~ $ (tar -cf - /etc|gzip; dd if=/dev/zero count=1)| rsh dd of=/dev/null
  tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
  --snip/above just hangs forever.. below is process table from another shell during hang:

  ~ $ (set -x;p)
  + command procps -wwo pid,ppid,%cpu,state,vsize,user,tty,session,pgrp,bsdstart,args -H -e
  + procps -wwo pid,ppid,%cpu,state,vsize,user,tty,session,pgrp,bsdstart,args -H -e
   1064     1  0.0 S   3568 nfsd_4xp ?         1064  1064  08:03 /usr/bin/cygrunsrv
   1524  1064  0.0 S   3400 rodmant  ?         1064  1524  08:03   /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd -F -u 4187
   1372     1  0.0 S   3568 nfsd_4xp ?         1372  1372  08:03 /usr/bin/cygrunsrv
   1436  1372  0.0 S   3312 nfsd_4xp ?         1372  1436  08:03   /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd -F
   1620     1  0.0 S   3564 SYSTEM   ?         1620  1620  08:03 /usr/bin/cygrunsrv
   1772  1620  0.0 S   4172 SYSTEM   ?         1620  1772  08:03   /usr/sbin/sshd -D
   3464  1772  0.0 S   4416 SYSTEM   ?         3464  3464  18:32     /usr/sbin/sshd -D -R
    780  3464  0.0 S   5264 root     tty0       780   780  18:32       -bash
   3212   780  0.0 S   3004 root     tty0       780  3088  19:58         rsh dd of=/dev/null
   1952  3212  0.0 S   2852 root     tty0       780  3088  19:58           rsh dd of=/dev/null
   3088   780  0.0 S   5892 root     tty0       780  3088  19:58         -bash
   2796  3088  0.0 S   4240 root     tty0       780  3088  19:58           tar -cf - /etc
    768  3088  0.0 S   2916 root     tty0       780  3088  19:58           gzip
   1076  1772  0.4 S   4416 SYSTEM   ?         1076  1076  20:04     /usr/sbin/sshd -D -R
   2540  1076  0.4 S   5232 root     tty1      2540  2540  20:04       -bash
   3168  2540  0.0 S   5740 root     tty1      2540  3168  20:05         -bash
   2872  3168  0.0 R   3472 root     tty1      2540  3168  20:05           procps -wwo pid,ppid,%cpu,state,vsize,user,tty,session,pgrp,bsdstart,args -H -e
   1552     1  0.0 S   3568 nfsd_4xp ?         1552  1552  08:03 /usr/bin/cygrunsrv
   1680  1552  0.0 S   2876 nfsd_4xp ?         1552  1680  08:03   /usr/sbin/portmap -F
   2008     1  0.0 S   3564 SYSTEM   ?         2008  2008  08:03 /usr/bin/cygrunsrv
    748  2008  0.0 S   3064 SYSTEM   ?         2008   748  08:03   /usr/sbin/cron -n
  ~ $ uname -a
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 neon 1.7.1(0.218/5/3) 2009-12-07 11:48 i686 Cygwin

Tom Rodman

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