[Packaging error] c3270/tcl3270/s3270/pr3287/x3270

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 25 06:29:00 GMT 2010

On 2010-02-24 23:31, Peter A. Castro wrote:
> Moding the makefiles to add a $EXE macro everywhere for these packages
> would be a large-ish change and not something I'd really want to have to
> perpetuate. However, I have gone through this "exercise" and will feed
> back to the owner some "suggestions" on adding said $EXE macro usage ;-)
> But that's not going to happen for this quicky fixup release. Instead,
> I've taken the less intrusive (and arguable magical) approach of adding
> "-s" to the install options for program installs (done handily via an
> environmental variable override :-).

FWIW cygport's postinstall strip stage now looks for executable files 
without any extension and checks to see if they are possibly .exe's, in 
which case they are stripped (causing the suffix to be added).  Not a 
perfect fix, but it catches most of these cases.

> x3270, like many traditional X based applications, uses "imake"[...]

I'm sorry to hear that.  Imake isn't so much traditional as downright 
ancient. :-)

> The man path macro (MANPATH) is being set to "/usr/man", based on the
> "SystemManDirectory" macro, which, itself, is set based on the "SystemV4"
> macro in the Imake.tmpl file. It's been a while since I hand-cranked the
> "World", but I think this file is created by yet another utility and some
> config (Imake.cf perhaps ?).

SystemManDirectory is defined to /usr/share/man in cygwin.cf, so I'm not 
sure why you are seeing this.  In any case, cygport will automatically 
move /usr/man to /usr/share/man.


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