.bashrc file not run

Cyrille Lefevre cyrille.lefevre-lists@laposte.net
Fri Feb 12 21:41:00 GMT 2010

Thorsten Kampe a écrit :
> * John Morrison (Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:17:15 -0000)
>> Thanks for that clarification; should I change the base-files?  Or create
>> ~/.profile as a copy/link? to ~/.bash_profile?
> There is no need for a ~/.profile. Only keep ~/.bash_profile

IMHO, .bash_profile is a piece of crap for a long time now...
since bash knows to load .profile if .bash_profile doesn't exist,
it should be named .profile.
this greatly simplify the account's setup.
this week, I've again encounter an account which have change his
default shell to ksh (or even sh) and which have the wrong profile
loaded (well, no profile at all, in fact).
it's far more simple ti check for $BASH_VERSION to known if you
are running bash or something else than to use a different profile.


Cyrille Lefevre

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