slow telnet session start - inetutils 1.5-6

Pete Redest
Mon Jun 29 23:11:00 GMT 2009

When logging-in to my Cygwin telnet server, running
inetutils 1.5-6 (see attached cygcheck.out) the time
between my entering the user password and getting the
motd output and a bash prompt is about 17 seconds.

This is so either when I login from a cygwin prompt in
another Windows machine on the LAN or from a Linux machine
on the LAn or from a cygwin prompt on the server machine,
using "telnet localhost".

There is only one subnet:

Looking for solutions in the cygwin mailing list I did
resolve the sluggishness in telnet presenting the user-name
prompt while applying the suggestion in (on this
topic, may I suggest that "mkpasswd -l" generates
automatically a home directory for the SYSTEM account, e.g.
/tmp, as described in that post - that way we don't have to
do this manually or go through the research stage

But the sluggish startup after I enter the password remains.

It doesn't seem to be sluggishness in the password
authentication itself: if I enter a wrong password, the
error response comes immediately. It is only when
authentication succeeds, and a session is set up, that it
takes long time.

To save some questions and answers that were mentioned in
other threads:
1. the Cygwin inetd service does not have "Allow service to
  interact with desktop" checked.
2. the primary DNS suffix of this computer is set to my
  local domain name.

No combination of setting or unsetting of the above made
a difference. I tried all the 4 combinations.

Also, following various suggestions in postings for
sluggish SSHD, I installed and setup (correctly, for all I
can see) a caching DNS server (ISC BIND 9.6.1) to enable
quick reverse DNS lookups. While the BIND server is clearly
active and doing its job (easy to check with the supplied
"dig" command-line utility) its presence or lack thereof
changed nothing. I can stop the BIND server and remove the
preferred reference to it in my "Connection" TCP/IP
configuration, or start the BIND and setup the localhost as
the preferred DNS server: nothing changes. And yes, I
configured the resolv.conf in \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
correctly too.

Is there one more trick that I didn't find yet in the forum?

If not, how can I discover where those 17 seconds are spent.

For comparison, another Windows machine running the same
version of Cygwin and inetutils (1.5-6) presents the bash
prompt in a fraction of a second after entering the

Thank you in advance for any suggestion or insight.


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