Cygwin OpenSSH and Windows 7 RC

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Mon Jun 29 21:48:00 GMT 2009

Matthias Meyer wrote:
> David Christensen wrote:
>> Matthias Meyer wrote:
>>> If I rebase within Windows7 I can not use this programs and librarys
>>> within other versions of Windows, right?
>> Are you trying to share one Cygwin installation between multiple
>> operation system installations (e.g. over a network, dual boot, flash
>> drive, etc.)?  I tried that years ago, and it was very confusing/
>> frustrating.  I do one Cygwin installation (located at C:\cygwin) per
>> O/S installation and recommend that you do the same.
> No, thats not what I am doing.
> I install cygwin in XP and build a new setup.exe (with Inno Setup) bundled
> with own programs.
> This setup.exe is installable and run well within XP as well as within Vista
> but not within Windows 7.
>> It is my assumption that the 'rebase' utility affects the installed
>> Cygwin files, not the downloaded setup files.  (The downloaded setup
>> files need to match what is on the Cygwin mirrors, or the Cygwin Setup
>> checksum should fail.)
> Therefore I assume that I can not rebase the cygwin files and estimate that
> they would run in XP, Vista and Windows 7.
> I would believe I have to make a separate setup.exe for Windows 7 with
> cygwin files that I rebased before within Windows 7.
> Thats right?
> But if this is right, I would wait some month and hope that cygwin 1.7 will
> run without rebasing in all three windows versions.

Rebasing is really meant to be done on a per environment basis.  It isn't
always necessary and rebased DLLs from one system aren't guaranteed to
run unfettered on another.

If you have not already, I suggest you try the latest 1.7 version
<> or the
latest snapshot <>.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
 > Q: Are you sure?
 >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 >>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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