Cygwin OpenSSH and Windows 7 RC

Karl M
Mon Jun 29 21:00:00 GMT 2009

> From: matthias meyer
> Subject: RE: Cygwin OpenSSH and Windows 7 RC
> Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 21:53:34 +0200
> No, thats not what I am doing.
> I install cygwin in XP and build a new setup.exe (with Inno Setup) bundled
> with own programs.
> This setup.exe is installable and run well within XP as well as within Vista
> but not within Windows 7.
>> It is my assumption that the 'rebase' utility affects the installed
>> Cygwin files, not the downloaded setup files. (The downloaded setup
>> files need to match what is on the Cygwin mirrors, or the Cygwin Setup
>> checksum should fail.)
> Therefore I assume that I can not rebase the cygwin files and estimate that
> they would run in XP, Vista and Windows 7.
> I would believe I have to make a separate setup.exe for Windows 7 with
> cygwin files that I rebased before within Windows 7.
> Thats right?
> But if this is right, I would wait some month and hope that cygwin 1.7 will
> run without rebasing in all three windows versions.
Are you also providing the source code for the Cygwin pckages that you distribute this way, and for your programs that are linked with Cygwin?
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