Dave Tang
Mon Jun 29 09:35:00 GMT 2009
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 17:41:08 +1000, Thorsten Kampe
<thorsten@thorstenkampe.de> wrote:
> * Dave Tang (Mon, 29 Jun 2009 17:34:44 +1000)
> Dave, don't send emails to my private email address. Keep the Reply-to
> to the list.
Sorry about that, will remember that.
> Have a look at /etc/passwd how HOME is set. Check if that file is
> sourced. Then you could set option xtrace to see what is being done.
I did a bit of googling but could not work out how I can find out if a
file is sourced. I also tried to search for "set option xtrace" without
luck. Could you elaborate a bit more for a biologist?
Really appreciate your help,
> Thorsten
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