
Dave Tang d.tang@imb.uq.edu.au
Mon Jun 29 06:12:00 GMT 2009


I have cygwin installed on Windows XP and for some reason my .bashrc file  
isn't loaded on startup. I read the FAQ "Why doesn't bash read my .bashrc  
file on startup?" but my HOME environment variable is set up i.e. when I  
echo $HOME it is correct. I actually copied my .bashrc to the root  
directory and it still doesn't load.

Could someone explain how I can set up my .bashrc?

Many thanks,


P.S. Here's the FAQ from  

7. Why doesn't bash read my .bashrc file on startup?
Your .bashrc is read from your home directory specified by the HOME  
environment variable. It uses /.bashrc if HOME is not set. So you need to  
set HOME (and the home dir in your /etc/passwd entry) correctly.

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