1.7 ssh/rsync consuming all cpu on x64 Vista

Jonathan jonathan@kc8onw.net
Sat Jun 27 04:43:00 GMT 2009

I've noticed that most of the time when doing an rsync tranfser over ssh 
from my laptop to my server both ssh and rsync will max out a processor 
core each and the transfer rate, even on a gigabit LAN, is only about 

Other than the slow transfer rate and significant CPU usage rsync seems 
to run correctly.

I tried to browse the strace output from a partial run but I don't know 
enough to see anything obviously wrong in the strace output.

uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.0-WOW64 SAGER9262 1.7.0(0.210/5/3) 2009-06-18 12:51 i686 Cygwin

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low enough that it makes it to the list.  The first time I tried sending 
this message to the list it bounced saying the spam score was exceeded.


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