gcc-4 is broken on both cygwin-1.5 and cygwin-1.7

Eray Ozkural examachine@gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 19:01:00 GMT 2009

It cost me a lot of time but I verified that gcc-4 is malfunctioning
on both versions.

It's impossible to build boost-1.38 or build-1.39, even if you build
only static libs.

I had to use the gcc 4 that I had built myself previously on cygwin-1.5

And I think boost is pretty essential.

Did you patch gcc-4 or something? Whatever it is, I would like an
unpatched version if possible, as a C++ user. Could you make an
alternative package please? It must be that auto-import thingie that's

At any rate, C++/boost users attention: don't use cygwin's own gcc-4
package, it's badly broken.


Eray Ozkural, PhD candidate.  Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
Researcher, Erendiz Superbilgisayar Ltd.
http://myspace.com/arizanesil http://myspace.com/malfunct

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