[1.7.0-50] scp progress counter flies through first 175 MB or so

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epamail.epa.gov
Wed Jun 24 18:10:00 GMT 2009

Here's an odd one.

Using openssh 5.2p1-2 with Cygwin 1.7.0-50, when I scp any file, the
progress counter appears to show ridiculously fast transfer rates, e.g.
about 50 MB/s over a 750 KB/s connection, for the first 175 MB or so. After
that the counter settles down to normal speed.  Then when the counter
reaches the end, it "hangs" at 100% for the remaining time while the copy

At first I thought that the copy itself was being corrupted in the first
175 MB, but I'm no longer able to reproduce that.  I believe now that the
copy is good and it's only the progress counter that's wrong.

When I revert to Cygwin 1.7.0-49, this problem doesn't occur.

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