Some questions about mintty

Andy Koppe
Wed Jun 24 08:55:00 GMT 2009

2009/6/23 Mark Harig <>:
>> The background colour is used for text beneath the cursor, so if the
>> cursor is visible infront of the background, the text beneath the
>> cursor should be visible too. With the default white-on-black colours,
>> you get black text inside a white cursor block.
>> Is it a particular mode or program where you're seeing this problem?
> At the bash shell prompt while editing commands is one example, but
> it is also the case for me in text editors, vim or emacs, for example.
> From the Options menu, I set the cursor type to block and set the
> cursor color to a light color, say, yellow, and then moved the block
> cursor back over the text of a command at the shell prompt.
> Because the cursor-text color remained white, when it combined
> with the light block color, the text inside the cursor block
> "disappeared."

Could you attach your .minttyrc? Have you got any commands in your
bash startup files that might be relevant here? And what's you PS1


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