[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: readline-6.0.3-1; New package libreadline7-6.0.3-1

Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
Wed Jun 24 07:58:00 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

A new release of readline, 6.0.3-1, and a corresponding bump in the
runtime library to the new package libreadline7, are now available for use
in cygwin 1.7, replacing 5.2.14-12 and libreadline6 as the current
version.  Cygwin 1.5 users are unaffected by this change.

This is a major upstream release, and incorporates all the official
upstream patches to date.  Since it is built against newer cygwin
features, it should handle multibyte characters better; although I have
not given that aspect much testing.  Upstream changes are listed below.
The library bumped versions because some previously exported symbols are
no longer available; however, the missing symbols were documented as
internal to readline and applications should not have been relying on them
anyway.  Also, this library was built with gcc 4.

See also the upstream documentation in /usr/share/doc/readline/.


Be aware that an issue with offering libreadline as both a static and
dynamic library has been identified - some functions, such as
rl_function_of_keyseq, cannot work correctly with both library styles
without some additional __declspec decoration in the dynamic case.  This
release caters to static compilation (and packages like bash that use the
problematic functions from dynamic readline have to add a minimal
workaround); it is possible that a future package will either be
dynamic-only, or that compiling against the static readline-6.0 will
require the declaration of a preprocessor macro, so that dynamic linking
works without requiring patches to every client.

The readline library will read a line from the terminal and return it,
allowing the user to edit the line with emacs or vi editing keys.  It also
allows a history feature, for editing previous entries, making command
line interfaces easier-to-use and more intuitive.

libreadline7 provides the .dlls needed for readline and history expansion
for dynamic linking in other programs, including bash and gdb; it is
required for a minimal cygwin installation.  The 7 in libreadline7
distinguishes incompatible API changes made to the prior libreadline5 and
libreadline6 libraries still available on the mirrors. readline provides
the documentation and the static libraries required for static linking;
you should only need it if you plan on compiling an application that links
with -lreadline or -lhistory.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the
http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your system.
Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick up 'libreadline7'
from the 'Base' category (it should already be selected), or 'readline' in
the 'Devel' category.  Be sure that you do not have any cygwin programs
running during the upgrade.

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to
find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to you:

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

- --
Eric Blake
volunteer cygwin readline maintainer

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