Slow/sluggish response ("system" task at 50%)

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Tue Jun 23 09:02:00 GMT 2009

Gene Smith wrote:
> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote, On 06/22/2009 08:08 PM:
>> There's also 1.7 - <>
> 1.7 seems to fix it. It now takes 34 seconds as compared to 14 minutes 
> with cygwin-1.5. (But I suspect that a fresh install of 1.5 might 
> produce similar or better results.)
> At some point, 1.5 started getting slow for me. I don't know (yet) what 
> caused it. I still have the conflict with winavr using 1.7 so I don't 
> think that is it.
> Someone on a list mention about "home directory" affecting cygwin speed. 
> I do notice that on 1.7-beta $HOME is /home/smited (under 
> c:\cygwin-1.7\). While on my 1.5 $HOME is /cygdrive/c/Documents and 
> Settings/smited. Somehow 1.5 points $HOME to the existing windows "home" 
> while 1.7 points $HOME to a new and almost empty directory under 
> c:\cygwin-1.7. Does this matter at all?

Depends on how much "cruft" has built up in your "Windows" home directory.
While this does get pretty "trashy" IMO, I don't think the typical build-up
of Windows junk there would seriously impact performance, unless this
somehow became a network directory reference at some point.  And I think
if just pointing at the home directory Windows uses were a general issue,
we'd hear allot more about it on this list.  But I can't say for sure
something in your case isn't causing the problem you were seeing.
I suppose if you're real curious about it, you can try pointing your
new 1.7 install to it and see if things revert to the nostalgic slow-boat
that you've become accustomed to. ;-)

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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