gvim errors on launch, 1.7
Ian Kelling
Mon Jun 22 23:42:00 GMT 2009
Corinna Vinschen wrote
> If that doesn't work, try rebasing:
> $ less /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/rebase-3.0.README
Ugh. I followed the instructions and did rebaseall and peflagsall. It fixed
gvim, but broke other things like this:
perl 2084 F:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error - unable to remap
\\?\F:\cygwin\lib\perl5\5.10\i686-cygwin\auto\Fcntl\Fcntl.dll to same address
as parent(0x910000) != 0x15F0000
I don't know what booleans and addresses things were set to previously, so
now I'm looking at reinstalling cygwin :( I'm guessing to try again without
the peflagsall.
Any help would be appreciated.
- Ian Kelling
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