HEADSUP maintainers: Packages install scripts without execute permissions

Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
Mon Jun 22 14:48:00 GMT 2009

Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at> cygwin.com> writes:

> >   Why don't we just remove the "-c" and get setup.exe to use the 
simple "bash
> > <filename>" syntax meaning "treat <filename> as a text file, open it and 
> > it to stdin"?
> I already suggested this on the cygwin-developers ML back in May (*)
> but it was not discussed overly enthusiastic (**) (***).

Indeed - changing things to be 'bash script' instead of the current 'bash -c 
script' would make the use of alternative interpreters harder.  But it does not 
make it impossible; you can always do:

/bin/awk <<\EOF

instead of


For that matter, are there any postinstall scripts currently relying on a 
different interpreter?  If not, then I'm in favor of the idea of changing 
setup.exe to be immune to the execute bit on postinstall scripts, at the 
expense of making postinstall scripts locked into bash (at least, as the 
initial interpreter).

Eric Blake

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