[ANNOUNCEMENT] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mintty-0.4.1-1
Andy Koppe
Mon Jun 22 10:13:00 GMT 2009
MinTTY is a terminal emulator for Cygwin with a native Windows user
interface and minimalist design. Among its features are Unicode
support and a graphical options dialog. Its terminal emulation is
largely compatible with xterm, but it does not require an X server.
MinTTY is based on code from PuTTY 0.60 by Simon Tatham and team.
This is a maintenance release with a few small fixes and improvements.
- The window title can now include characters from the full Unicode
range rather than being limited to the system's ANSI codepage.
- When resizing the window, the sizetip moves with the upper left
corner of the window rather than being marooned at its original
- Added one pixel of padding inside the window border to stop
characters from touching it. (PuTTY had that, but I'd unwisely removed
- Alt+Numpad codes work when NumLock is off as well. In UTF-8 mode, Alt
+1 to Alt+31 are interpreted as graphical OEM characters, e.g. Alt+3
is ♥ and Alt+1 is ☺.
- Alt works as the Meta modifier for AltGr combinations, e.g. Alt+AltGr
+7 on a German keyboard now sends ^[{ rather than just {.
- Added Xterm window focus reporting. (^[?1004h to enable, ^[?1004l
disable. ^[[I is sent for focus in and ^[[O for focus out.)
- Applications can ask to be notified when the width of the "CJK
Ambiguous Width" characters changes due to the user changing font. ^[?
7700h to enable, ^[?7700l to disable. ^[[1W is sent for cjknarrow
mode, and ^[[2W for cjkwide mode. Removed attempted SIGWINCH
notification for the same purpose, because it didn't work.
- Bell overload detection wasn't working, but I decided to remove it
instead of fixing it and to switch off the bell in the default config,
because I'm guessing most people don't want to be beeped or flashed at
by their terminal anyway.
More on these changes can be found at
MinTTY's project page is located at http://mintty.googlecode.com.
Please use the issue tracker there to report bugs or suggest
enhancements. Questions or comments can be sent to the MinTTY
discussion group at http://groups.google.com/group/mintty-discuss or
the Cygwin mailing list at cygwin@cygwin.com .
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on the http://cygwin.com/ web page. This downloads setup.exe to
your system. Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.
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