[PATCH] Add "@cjknarrow" modifier (was Re: [Fwd: [1.7] wcwidth failing configure tests])

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Thu Jun 18 16:49:00 GMT 2009

On Jun 18 14:09, Thomas.Wolff@nsn.com wrote:
> 2009/6/16 Corinna Vinschen 
> > However, besides of being unnecessary, other systems like Linux or BSD
> > use the language string as directory name relative to the
> > /usr/share/locale directory. ?If this gets ever used on non-Cygwin
> > systems, the symmetry (which has no precedent in the locale arena) would
> > require these systems to create yet another subdirectory or symlink for
> > the same purpose. ?Even worse, if you propose that @cjkwide is a valid
> > modifier for *any* language, you would make the whole mechanism on
> > non-newlib based systems more complicated for no apparent reason.
> The silly unmodular way that some systems implement the locale mechanism 
> (the worst of them being SunOS) 
> should not be an argument to not propagate a reasonable solution.
> [Who was in favour of these double negations?]
> The "locale interface" (syntax and semantics of LC_* strings) is defined 
> in a modular way and so the implementations should be - let them fix it.

What do you think, how big will be the acceptance of this approach
outside of newlib/Cygwin?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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