Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Wed Jun 17 14:29:00 GMT 2009
Holikar, Sachin (ext) wrote:
> Hello,
> Our requirement was to enable our users to be able to connect to Windows XP machine via SSH access. Once connected they should be able to go into their home directory. Their respective home directory should be Samba mounted onto WinXP machine so that users can simply "cd" to their respective drive letter (onto which their home dir is mounted.) and work.
> We could manage to cnfigure cygwin and ssh ... so that when users logs in ..they get a cygwin bash shell.We have configured ssh as Administrator and cygwin is installed in the same profile. In order to do samba mount , we made a user map his home directory onto a windows drive as Z: and other users home dir onto drive Y:. Both got shared. And when both users logged in via ssh, they could see the shared drives ie. Z and Y.
> Now the problem is , Not only both the users are able to go into drives Y and Z but they can write in these shares as well. Means one user can write into other users home directory. which is simply not acceptable!!.
> How do we rectify this issue? Kindly suggest.
File-system security is provided by Windows, not OpenSSH. Since the details
of your installation and the specific permissions of the file-systems and
files in question aren't included above, I can only assume that you haven't
set these permissions to achieve your stated goals. So I'd recommend
checking that and making changes at that level as needed.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
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