[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: cygport-0.9.7-1

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jun 17 05:35:00 GMT 2009

The following package has been updated for Cygwin 1.7:

(*) cygport: 0.9.7-1

Changes in this release:

* Default libexecdir changed to /usr/lib.
* gnome2.cygclass: Define GIT_URI as GNOME has moved from svn to git.
* git.cygclass: Allow GIT_MODULE to be user-defined.
* kde4.cygclass: Updated for stable KOffice2.
* python.cygclass: python_optimize() omits ${D} from compiled location.
* xfce4.cygclass: Infrastructure fixes.



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