Optimize cygwin on recent windows version (Vista and Seven)

Vincent R. forumer@smartmobili.com
Tue Jun 16 15:39:00 GMT 2009

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 08:17:19 -0400, Chris Sutcliffe <ir0nh34d@gmail.com>
>> >> Times taken were:
>> >> Linux : 1.5 mimutes
>> >> XP (mingw):  6.5 minutes
>> >> Vista (mingw): 16.5 minutes
>> >> Vista (cygwin): 23.25 minutes
>> Yes these figures are a good example of what I am talking about and here
>> is
>> an additional benchmark
>> done when compiling binutils (time ../build-mingw32ce.sh -j2
>> --comp=binutils)
> If UAC is disabled, does it improve performance?
not at all. Doesn't change anything.
The next step would be to do some profiling but I am not expert with gprof.
I think that Dave Korn already did something like that, I hope he will
Another solution is to try to do some kernel debugging with windbg and see
if some useful
information can be found.

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