Optimize cygwin on recent windows version (Vista and Seven)

Vincent R. forumer@smartmobili.com
Tue Jun 16 10:53:00 GMT 2009

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 00:16:11 -0400 (EDT), "Edward Lam" <edward@sidefx.com>
> On Mon, June 15, 2009 19:53, Sisyphus wrote:
>> Here are some timings I did recently for building the mpc-0.6 library.
>> On Vista and XP, (in the same version of the MSYS shell, and using the
>> same
>> version of MinGW's gcc) I ran:
>> ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static
>> CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include
>> LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib && make && make check
>> On linux (mdk-9.1) and cygwin, it was the same command, but without the
>> LDFLAGS arguments (as they're not necessary on linux and cygwin).
>> Times taken were:
>> Linux : 1.5 mimutes
>> XP (mingw):  6.5 minutes
>> Vista (mingw): 16.5 minutes
>> Vista (cygwin): 23.25 minutes

Yes these figures are a good example of what I am talking about and here is
an additional benchmark 
done when compiling binutils (time ../build-mingw32ce.sh -j2

Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz - Windows Seven 64 bits - no antivirus - Windows
Search(indexing) disabled
real    16m54.470s
user    3m20.164s
sys     6m25.794s

Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz - Windows XP 32 bits - antivirus disabled

real 5m44.375s
user 15m22.277s ???? (don't really understand this figure)
sys 5m44.702s

Even if processor is slightly more powerful on XP, time is smaller by a
factor 3 !!!

I also tried to launch mintty with administrator rights just to be sure the
problem doesn't come from
security limitations and I havent' noticed any improvements.

Now the question is how do you profile time consumed by APIs ? I tried to
used StraceNT but it just killed
my console when I attached it and since during a compilation process are
created then destroyed it's hard
to monitor.
I read also on some blogs dedicated to low level stuff that it's better to
use malloc before 16 kB and VirtualAlloc
for bigger size, I am not saying that this is the solution but things could
be improved by that kind of tricks.
Maybe it's better to use some API in some context.

Ideally I would like to stay on WIndows XP but on the other hand I cannot
stop time forever ...

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