Optimize cygwin on recent windows version (Vista and Seven)
Huang Bambo
Tue Jun 16 08:31:00 GMT 2009
I guess it is because of some security specialty, check your settings.
2009/6/15 Vincent R. <forumer@smartmobili.com>:
> Hi,
> Until now I was using cygwin on Windows XP and I was satisfied by
> cygwin-1.7 but these last few days
> I switched to a more powerful laptop with very fast hardware (Core Duo 3.0
> Ghz and SSD OCZ Vertex)
> and running windows Seven.
> Now when I test cygwin, everything is so sloooooowww, I know this is not
> something new but do you plan
> to work on this issue ?
> From what I know, the problem comes from fork implementation but actually
> as a user I don't care
> where does it come from I am only noticing I cannot work anymore with
> cygwin.
> Have you ever thought of something to improve things ?
> Will it be one day possible ? Are you lacking some information from MS ?
> It's so annoying that with very modern hardware I feel like runnning a
> windows 3.1 on a 128 KB system ...
> If you answer that it's not possible to do better, in this case I will to
> find alternatives.
> Don't know if mingw could be one of them ?
> --
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