Optimize cygwin on recent windows version (Vista and Seven)
Andy Koppe
Mon Jun 15 23:31:00 GMT 2009
> Until now I was using cygwin on Windows XP and I was satisfied by
> cygwin-1.7 but these last few days
> I switched to a more powerful laptop with very fast hardware (Core Duo 3.0
> Ghz and SSD OCZ Vertex)
> and running windows Seven.
> Now when I test cygwin, everything is so sloooooowww
Not exactly a helpful problem report. In what sort of scenarios do you
find it to be slow? Is it actually slower than your old system?
One issue that I've noticed on Windows 7, both with Cygwin 1.5 and
1.7, is that trying to log a utmp entry when starting a terminal can
take up to half a minute, presumably due to waiting for some sort of
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