FW: OpenSSH server installation error on Windows Vista Business/Ultimate

David Christensen dpchrist@holgerdanske.com
Sat Jun 13 07:06:00 GMT 2009

Paul August wrote:

> David, thanks for the further information. I will try to follow your
> steps exactly (except for a fresh installation of Windows part) and
> see what happens.

YW. :-)  Please feel free to expand, clarify, edit, and/or otherwise
improve upon the procedure and repost.  For example, do steps 5a, 5b,
and 5c, run ssh-host-config, do step 5d, and then run 'net start sshd'.

The best solution would be to patch ssh-host-config:

    2009-06-12 20:44:07 Administrator@p43400e ~
    $ which ssh-host-config

    2009-06-12 20:44:22 Administrator@p43400e ~
    $ file `which ssh-host-config `
    /usr/bin/ssh-host-config: Bourne-Again shell script text executable

    2009-06-12 20:46:33 Administrator@p43400e ~
    $ less `which ssh-host-config `

Nice code; patching it to accomplish the chmod/ chown steps would be an
interesting and educational challenge.  :-)


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