1.7.0 sem_open

Pedro Izecksohn pedro.izecksohn@gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 02:20:00 GMT 2009

  Corinna Vinschen read my mind.

> What is semtool?

semtool - A utility for tinkering with semaphores

USAGE:  semtool  (c)reate <semcount>
                 (l)ock <sem #>
                 (u)nlock <sem #>
                 (m)ode <mode>

  It comes in some package available through the Cygwin's installer. I
do not understand how to use it.

>>   I wrote an example that works on Jaunty on x86-64 but not on Cygwin:
>> http://www.izecksohn.com/pedro/c/semaphores/semaphores.tar.gz
> Works for me.

  The persistence of the semaphore also works for you?

  For me, using the unpatched version, (not the CVS version), the
persistence works some times only. At other times the semaphore
disappears with the Control c.

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