backup XP on Linux using rsync over ssh: permissions problems

Wed Jun 10 21:25:00 GMT 2009

Jason Pyeron wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: H.S.
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 14:38
>> Jason Pyeron wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: H.S.
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 13:15
>>>> Greg Chicares wrote:
>>>>> On 2009-06-10 03:36Z, H.S. wrote:
>>>>>> rsync --delete --modify-window=10  --force -Rvaue ssh
>>>>>>     --exclude-from=$EXCLUDESFILE --progress \
>>>>>>     xp-box:"/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/user1 
>>>>>> /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/user2"
>>> /mnt/backups/xp-daily-00;
>>>>> Does '-p' ('--perms') help with the permissions problems?
>>>> This flag "preserve permissions". The permissions are alright 
>>>> currently.
>>>> The problem is that a user on XP box ssh'es to the Debian box (and 
>>>> becomes a Debian user) and then fails to browse the 
>> backups of the XP 
>>>> box which are saved on the Debian box because the XP 
>> backups' uid and 
>>>> gids do not match with Debian users'.
>>> What you have is not a problem, but by design.
>>> Unless you make the user/group ids match on both machines, you will 
>>> either need to strip the perms or access the files by root 
>> or equivalent.
>> Yes, I can already access them as root (obviously not a 
>> versatile approach).
>> What I was hoping for is for some hints on how to retain the 
>> permissions and browse the backups from the XP box with the 
>> same permissions as on the XP box.
>> Currently the backups as accessed by using Debian box 
>> accounts (which are different than the accounts on the XP 
>> box). Any way I can access them from XP but by using XP uid/guid's?
> We do this using samba / nis and creating a single sign on.
> This is not for the faint of heart.

This is on a small private network. I can set up samba but single sign
on is not applicable here for various reasons.

I suppose I have to look into changing the uid and gid on the backups



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