[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: cygwin-1.7.0-49

Andy Koppe andy.koppe@gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 16:31:00 GMT 2009

2009/6/10 Dave Korn:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> What's new in contrast to 1.7.0-48
>> ===================================
>> - When running Cygwin applications in the Windows console window, the
>>   Backspace key now returns ASCII DEL (^?, \177) instead of ASCII BS
>>   (^H, \008).  The Control-Backspace key now returns ESC-DEL (^[^?,
>>   \033\177) or \377, dependent on the meta mode set by the setmetamode
>>   utility, rather than DEL.  Control-Space now returns ASCII NUL.
>>   These changes should running emacs in a console window support better
>>   and improve compatibility with the Linux Console and xterm.
>  This has some unexpected results for me.  Starting up a shell (DOS console,
> notty) everything behaves as before.  After running "stty sane", the backspace
> key now starts printing ^? symbols instead of backspacing.

The rtermios default setting will need to change accordingly,
either by changing the definition of CERASE in include/sys/termios.h:

-#define CERASE CTRL('H')
+#define CERASE CDEL

Or by changing the initialisation in fhandler_termios.c:

-      tc->ti.c_cc[VERASE]      = CERASE;
+      tc->ti.c_cc[VERASE]      = CDEL;

The cygwin section in /etc/termcap doesn't have a kb entry, so luckily
no change needed there.

terminfo has an entry for backspace though:

$ tput -T cygwin kbs | cat -v

So this has to to change as well:

+++ terminfo.src        2009-05-30 07:50:44.893933600 +0100
@@ -5221,7 +5221,7 @@
-       kbs=^H, kcub1=\E[D, kcud1=\E[B, kcuf1=\E[C, kcuu1=\E[A,
+       kbs=^?, kcub1=\E[D, kcud1=\E[B, kcuf1=\E[C, kcuu1=\E[A,

And then there are rxvt and xterm and their termcap and terminfo
entries as well ...


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