backup XP on Linux using rsync over ssh: permissions problems

Wed Jun 10 03:36:00 GMT 2009


I have a XP Pro laptop which has Cygwin installed (with ssh). I run a
backup script on a Debian box which rsyncs some directories from XP box
to a partition on Debian box using rsync via ssh. The command is
something like (rsync script is called as root on Debian and user "root"
on the XP box is an admin as well):

rsync --delete --modify-window=10  --force -Rvaue ssh
    --exclude-from=$EXCLUDESFILE --progress \
    xp-box:"/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/user1
/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/user2" /mnt/backups/xp-daily-00;

The problem is that uid and gid are different for the users on the XP
box and on the Debian box.

When a user browses the backups from XP using ssh (sftp actuall) on
Debian box, he is denied permissions.

What do Cygwin users do in this case? What I desire is that the backups
of the XP box be kept on the Debian box with all users' permissions
intact (or as much as possible, for security and privacy).



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