Remote desktop connection

Shawn Henderson
Tue Jun 9 17:25:00 GMT 2009

Andrew DeFaria wrote ..
> Robert Rackl wrote:
> > It seems that with regular RDP, I can only do it using one local 
> > screen; if there is a way to use multiple screens please let me know how. 
> You are using incorrect terminology here, namely the concept of 
> "screen". RDP allows you to connect to a remote system and present you 
> with a desktop. In Windows XP you can connect one RDP session. Doing so 
> moves the "desktop" from the local machine to the machine that is 
> requesting the RDP session. With Windows XP you are allowed to do this 
> once. With Windows Server you are allowed to do this twice. You can buy 
> more RDP licenses though I have yet to see a shop that has done that. 
> Most buy Citrix which is much more expensive and does pretty much the 
> same thing.
> > A couple of years ago, a friend showed me how to use Cygwin to 
> > establish a remote desktop connection using two local screens which 
> > worked well until a disk crash. That friend is now far away and very 
> > busy - I'd rather not bother him.
> There is software called VNC which has a server component and a client 
> component. It allows you do to what RDP does. It's open source so you 
> could use that. The downside is that VNC is a much less efficient 
> protocol and thus you'll see things like sluggishness when you move the 
> mouse or windows, etc. The plus side is that you can have many connections.
> There's also rdesktop that you can install on Linux systems. I don't 
> know if anybody has ported that to Cygwin. Plus side, it's using RDP 
> protocol, thus it's quick. Minus side - same restrictions WRT Windows XP 
> and one RDP session allowed.
> Then there's the whole concept of remote access the Unix way which 
> includes such methods as ssh, X, etc.
> Perhaps you should try describing better what exactly you are trying to 
> accomplish...
> -- 
> Andrew DeFaria <>
> I always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of lemon and a 
> shot of tequila.
> --
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using java's properrdp you can use multiple rdp sessions on remote desktop .. but only if the users do not have admin priv's

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