last update is weird

Eric Lilja
Tue Jun 9 09:39:00 GMT 2009

Vincent R. wrote:
> Hi,
> I have started cygwin-1.7 setup to update to latest cygwin dll and now when
> I start mintty,
> seems are very weird.
> My terminal looks like a mix between a windows terminal and mintty, for
> instance I have the following
> text in black and white :

I just did an upgrade too (and got the latest mintty) and the shortcut 
that had been created during an earlier installation was now removed. 
Just starting mintty directly results in an ugly looking terminal as you 
I looked at another computer that I hadn't upgraded that still had the 
mintty shortcut and there I noticed that target was:
C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -
(notice the - at the end)
So I added a - to my target on my manually created shortcut and now 
mintty looks like it should when I start it.

> Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
> (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
> C:\cygwin-1.7\bin>
> and the window title is -cmd while I think it used to be ~. Colors have
> disappeared.
> Then cursor can move anywhere in the terminal, up, down even if there is no
> text in the area, I can
> also go at the start of the line even before the prompt.
> It seems my profile is not read anymore since all my aliases have
> disappeared.
> Am i doing something wrong ? Is there any important changes ? Really don't
> recognize cygwin.
> Maybe a problem in the way mintty is called ? 
> Classic cygwin terminal seems ok.

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