Bug in $PATH initialization?
Lennart Borgman
Mon Jun 8 22:37:00 GMT 2009
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:28 AM, ABCD<en.ABCD@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Lennart Borgman wrote:
>> I am trying to get "bash -i" to start up with $PATH having
>> /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
>> at the beginning. I believe I need to do this without any init file
>> running so I set the windows Path variable to contain the
>> corresponding windows directories first. So I set Path in cmd.exe with
>> set Path=c:\cygwin\bin;%Path%
>> set Path=c:\cygwin\usr\bin;%Path%
>> set Path=c:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;%Path%
>> and then I do
>> bash -i
>> However $PATH starts with
>> /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin
>> I thought the last dir above should be /bin, not /usr/bin.
>> Is this intentional or is it a bug. If it is intentional can I somehow
>> do what I want another way?
> In Cygwin, /bin and /usr/bin both always point to the same place, so it
> does get the effect you seem to want, just not in the way you expected.
Thanks, but why do I see both /usr/bin and /bin in a cygwin shell
started with --login then?
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