[1.7] Cannot read /proc/stat

Dave Korn dave.korn.cygwin@googlemail.com
Mon Jun 8 17:58:00 GMT 2009

Andrew Schulman wrote:
>> (*) Is anybody here actually still using NT4?
> Anyone still running NT4 has a security disaster on their hands.  Not that
> that's a reason to cut them off of Cygwin... in fact they probably could
> use the help... but Microsoft EOL'd NT4 years ago, and at some point it
> seems that Cygwin should do the same.

  NT4 is still widely used in corporate environments where it just lives in a
private intranet and isn't exposed (hopefully!) to the outside world.  I think
we shouldn't rush to ditch support for it as long as it doesn't start to
become a significant burden in terms of missing support for newer APIs.


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