[ANNOUNCEMENT] [1.7] Updated: cygport-0.9.6-1

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Sun Jun 7 20:33:00 GMT 2009

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> I'm not sure that will be necessary.  cygport is only using autopoint -V
> on cygwin-1.7; I have not backported that fix to the cygwin-1.5 version,
> as the latter is very close to being EOL'd.

Since I plan to keep my packages for 1.5 up to date [*] until 1.7 is
released, it's easier for me to keep them the same...

[*] ESPECIALLY the autotools. Until VERY recently, the whole "failed to
remap" problem has been much much worse (mostly just for ME, apparently)
under pickone(cygwin-1.7|Vista) -- which made autoreconf...tricky.  So
my fallback has been to do the autoreconf step on cyg1.5 when necessary,
which is only possible if both autotoolchains are identical.  This may
soon be a moot point, once Corinna's/cgf's fix for the issue gets in to
cygwin-1.7.0-49 or so.

Until then, I'll be hacking my cygport-0.4.x on cygwin-1.5 to also use
-V for precisely this reason.


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