[Fwd: [1.7] wcwidth failing configure tests]

IWAMURO Motonori deenheart@gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 12:53:00 GMT 2009

2009/6/6 Andy Koppe <andy.koppe@gmail.com>:
> However, to make the locale setting more convenient for CJK users,
> there could be modifiers for both widths. Without modifier, the CJK
> locales would default to "Ambiguous Wide", while everything else would
> default to "Ambiguous Narrow".

It is acceptable for me.

> Puzzled that this hasn't been solved in glibc years ago ...

I also examined it.
But, I was not able to discover the reason.

One Debian user is trying to fix it, but it doesn't progress...

IWAMURO Motnori <http://vmi.jp/>

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