[Fwd: [1.7] wcwidth failing configure tests]

IWAMURO Motonori deenheart@gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 09:46:00 GMT 2009

I oppose your proposal because I think that it is useless for us.

2009/6/6 Thomas Wolff <towo@towo.net>:
> the intention is that the "codepage" information should be the same
> for all locales having thbe "UTF-8" (or any other) charmap.  So you
> cannot freely change width information among locales with the same
> charmap.

I don't think that there is such a restriction.
The standard of the character doesn't provide for the width of the
character as a standard.

> Also, if ja_JP.UTF-8 would mean "CJK width", how would you specify a
> working locale setting for a terminal that does not run a CJK width
> font but should yet use other Japanese settings? E.g. with rxvt
> which does not support CJK width.

Oh, we ALWAYS have a hard time in this problem VERY VERY VERY much.

case1: We use only the application that treats the width of the
character without locale.
case2: We make the patch that solves the character width problem, and
throw it out up-stream.
case3: We make the patch, and apply it locally.
case4: We tearfully give up the correct display of the screen.
case5: We tearfully give up using the application.

I selected case5 for rxvt.

> Thus you could define e.g.
>        ja_JP.UTF-8@cjk
> or
>        ja_JP.UTF-8@cjkwidth
> to indicate CJK width properties. I guess this is the most compliant way to go.

I don't think that it is the good idea because:

- It is "a cygwin-specific solution (or workaround)".
- In NetBSD, the change to which wcwidth of East Asian Ambiguous
Characters returns 2 by CJK locale is planned.

# to be continued.
IWAMURO Motnori <http://vmi.jp/>

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