Using emacs in a terminal window
Ken Brown
Fri Jun 5 14:29:00 GMT 2009
I've answered several questions in recent weeks about how to use emacs
in a terminal window. To try to clarify this, I plan to put some
suggestions in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/emacs.README the next time I update
the emacs packages. The current draft is appended below. Please let me
know if you see any inaccuracies or if anything could be stated more
Usage suggestions:
1. For best results, install the emacs-X11 package and run emacs
under X windows (by typing 'emacs&' in an xterm window, for
2. If you use emacs in a terminal window, the following settings are
recommended; without them, some keystrokes may not work as you
- mintty: Put BackspaceSendsDEL=1 in your .minttyrc file.
- xterm: Invoke xterm with -xrm *backarrowKey:false or put
'XTerm*backarrowKey: false' in your .Xdefaults file. Once xterm
is started, give the command 'stty erase ^?'. (These
suggestions are only relevant if you invoke emacs with the -nw
option in an xterm window or if you have not installed
- rxvt: Invoke rxvt with the -backspackey DEC option or put
'Rxvt*backspacekey: DEC' in your .Xdefaults file.
- Cygwin console (the window you get by using the Cygwin desktop
shortcut): Make sure your CYGWIN environment variable contains
tty before you start the console. Even then, some keystrokes
will not work as expected, such as the C-M-key combinations. A
workaround is to use the ESC prefix to simulate the Alt (Meta)
key. If you want C-M-a, for instance, type ESC C-a.
3. If you follow the advice above, C-h should work as the help key.
(In the case of the Cygwin console, this applies only to Cygwin
1.7, starting with the cygwin-1.7.0-49 release.) If C-h doesn't
produce help, the function key F1 is an alternative.
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