FAQ 4.46, applications interfere with subversion or not?

David Rothenberger daveroth@acm.org
Wed Jun 3 16:10:00 GMT 2009

On 6/3/2009 8:20 AM, masc wrote:
> When using cygwin's cvs2svn with subversion (1.6.2 r37639) while running
> Avira AntiVir (http://www.avira.com/en/pages/index.php), svnadmin is failing
> sporadically due to permission failure moving files. 
> Reading up on FAQ and mailing lists, I found that 3rd party software like
> antivirus programs would be the cause.
> However, I installed subversion for windows from here:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100
> (also 1.6.2 r37639), and after modifying cygwin's PATH to use it, the
> problem went away without touching antivir.
> I wonder why cygwin's subversion/binaries seems to have issues with antivir,
> while others do not.. rather looks like a cygwin issue on first glance.. can
> anyone shed light on this?

The subversion code base has some hacks to retry various file operations 
  to work around this issue. These hacks are enabled for a Windows build 
but not for Cygwin. I've attempted to port these hacks to Cygwin, but I 
may have missed an error code or three, thus not retrying some errors 
that should be retried.

Are you using Cygwin 1.5 or 1.7? I have disabled this hack in the 1.7 
build because I was hoping 1.7's more robust file renaming and deleting 
code would come to the rescue. If you're using 1.7, I can roll another 
build with the hack enabled to see if that helps. If you're using 1.5, 
I'll need your help to debug this so I can adjust the hack to retry in 
this case. I only see the problem occasionally here.

David Rothenberger  ----  daveroth@acm.org

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                 -- Yugoslav proverb

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