squid 2.6 STABLE17-1: installing as a service

7aboir 7aboir@gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 16:33:00 GMT 2009


I just installed a fresh version of cygwin (1.6) with the squid 2.6 stable
17-1 package.
I was previously running a oooold version of squid (2.4 , hexa patched to
make it work...).
Apart some small changes, no problem to install it and make it work.
I however when I looked into the
/usr/share/doc/squid-2.6.STABLE17/RELEASENOTES.html I can see:
"This Squid version can run on Windows as a system service using the Cygwin 
"So, to install the service, the syntax is: 
squid -i [-f file] [-n name]"


squid -i 
unknown option  --i

Well I suppose that I need to go back to cygrunsrv -i (which was a nightmare

However am I not reading well? Is this a documentation bug?

Thanks for feedback.
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