1.5.25: RSH issue with Cygwin/Win2008
Gokula Rangarajan
Tue Jun 2 15:46:00 GMT 2009
I am running windows Server Enterprise 2008, 64 bit. I have installed the latest version of Cygwin in the windows 2008 server. I have a bunch of RHEL5.x servers that needs to controlled from Windows 2008 server using RSH. While I am aware that SSH is more secure than RSH, I still have to use rsh for one of our benchmarks.
The issue is, from the windows server, using Cygwin, when I rsh to a remote RHEL5.3 server, the output prompt is empty (as if it has done something or working fine) and unable to connect to remote server.
For example, from the server lg95, when I rsh to lg30, the below are the responses:
root:~# hostname
root:~# rsh lg30
root:~# hostname
root:~# rsh lg30 ls
root:~# hostname
Could you please help? Please see the attached cygoutput. Thank You.
Gokula Rangarajan
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