[1.7] pthread_create block

Dave Korn dave.korn.cygwin@googlemail.com
Tue Jun 2 10:11:00 GMT 2009

Thomas Stalder wrote:

> Sometimes pthread_create block and never return.
> I have made a simple program (test.c) to reproduce the problem.
>> gcc test.c -lpthread -o test
>> ./test
> thread id=1
> thread id=2
> thread id=3
> thread id=4
> ........
> thread id=3736
> Sometimes pthread_create block after creating arround 10 threads,
> sometimes after creating arround 10000 threads or more.

  You may have run into the pthread interlocking bug that I'm tracking down in
this thread on the cygwin-dev list:


  If you'd like to try building the cygwin DLL yourself from the CVS sources
with the attached patch applied, you may find it solves your problem; at least
for me it does.  I've been running your test program while writing this email
and it's got as far as this:

thread id=1260546
thread id=1260547

... without a hiccup.  Actually, now it's got as far as

thread id=2405875

by the time I diff'd the patch for you.  (If you'd prefer, I could send you a
binary of the DLL built with the patch, off-list; let me know).

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